Feb 25, 2013
Sunday Evening. Guest Preacher Mr. Bobby Alford. Sermon Title" The Necessity of Christian Growth" Scripture Reference: Hebrews 5:1-14
Feb 25, 2013
Guest Speaker Mr. Bobby Alford. Sermon Title: "God, A Preaching Deacon, and a Confused Ethiopian" Scripture Reference: Acts 8:26-40
Feb 19, 2013
Sunday Evening Service with Pastor Tom Shoger. Sermon Title: "The Sovereignty of God" - Part 2. Scripture Reference: Pslam 37:1-8 and Selected
Feb 19, 2013
The Genesis Series continues with Pastor Tom Shoger. Sermon Title: "Disgraceful Conduct All Around" Scripture Reference: Genesis 34
Feb 13, 2013
Evening Service with Pastor Tom Shoger. Sermon Title: "The Soverignty of God" Scripture References: I Timothy 6:13-16, Psalm 103:19-22, Daniel 4:24-37